Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Courtney Robertson Tweets about her Break-Up with Ben Flajnik

Courtney Robertson takes to Twitter to talk about her feelings about Ben Flajnik. Here's what she tweeted about her ex.

"What a difference a year makes. I remember exactly how I felt a year ago today...Just newly engaged and in love. The show hadn't started to air and I was looking forward to watching our love story unfold. It didn't play out the way it could have or the way I had hoped it would. This past year was one of the hardest years of my life, but also one of the best! I'm thankful to have experienced such a great love. Forever grateful for the support from my strong loving family, and friends. Maybe everything happens for a reason, maybe it doesn't. All I know is life is beautiful and if you can find inner strength & peace within, everything will be alright. Thank you all for your support this past year, it truly means the world to me! Looking forward to a New Year and hopeful that I will find a love that knows no defeat!"- Courtney via Twitter

Congratulations to Courtney's sister, Rachel Robertson, on her recent engagement!

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